Alumni, Industry, and Industrial Relations

Alumni, Industry, and Industrial Relations

Alumni, Industry, and Industrial Relations

National Institute of Technology, Rourkela

NITR Alumni Fund

NITR Alumni Fund

Your support is solicited in terms sponsoring specific projects. Your support of a particular project will be recognized by way of naming buildings, facilities, Chair Professorships, Scholarships, etc. after you or after someone whose memory you would want to be perpetuated.

It is needless to say that such sponsorships would be income tax exempted for both corporate bodies and individuals, with 100% exemption on donations under section 80G of Indian Income Tax Act. For details please visit "Income Tax Rebates" option. For making your donation, please choose the following options.

Wire Transfer :
Account Name : NIT Rourkela Alumni Fund
Account No : 31446923318
Branch : SBI REC Rourkela Branch
IFSC Code : SBIN 0002109

Payment by Cheque :
The cheque should be in favor of "Director, National Institute of Technology Rourkela"